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Life Problems Childless Problems

Childless Problems

Childless Problems

Motherhood is the biggest achievement in any woman's life. It's human nature and responsibility to propagate their species generation by generation. Many couples have to face complications in conceiving the pregnancy.

Know the causes for delay in pregnancy

Having a child in your life is a crucial milestone for a couple. It is a precious gift given by God which completes you and your family. If you are facing difficulty or delay in conceiving pregnancy then you must go for an astrological solution. Before getting a solution an astrologer will refer to find the reason behind delay in pregnancy.

Childless Problems

Below are the some planetary combinations which are responsible for complications in pregnancy or delay in childbirth

  • If 5th Lord is conjunction with 6th, 8th or 12th houses then it may cause adverse effects in childbirth
  • If there is napunsak yoga in your horoscope then it indicates childlessness.
  • If the moon is in an even house and the sun is in an odd house then the mutual combination of both sources delay childbirth.
  • Malefic effect of Jupiter denies child birth.
  • The weak Lord of the 5th and 9th house causes childlessness.

Without a child, the complete family concept can't be fulfilled. If you are facing a childlessness problem then you must consult the famous Astrology MD Sharma to get a solution.

Astrological Remedies to Solve Childless Problem

There are many natural remedies in astrology which can help you to solve child problems. There are some powerful gems which nullify the cosmic negative energy and help in fertilization. If you are facing a Childless problem, you must consult the famous Astrologer MD Sharma. Feel free to call us or chat with us anytime to get a childless problem solution.

Best Astrologer to Solve Childless Problem

Astrologer MD Sharma has served 1000+ clients in many countries and is still continuing his service in this field. He can help you to remove the dosha from your horoscope and conceive the pregnancy with his remedy. You can very soon be a proud parent. You can consult him anytime by sitting at your home. No need to travel or waste your time and energy. Follow his guidance and take remedies on time to get the maximum benefit of it.

Frequently Asked Questions

If 5th house and 9th house are weak then there may be a chance of childlessness.

If the position of Venus is not favourable then it creates problems in pregnancy.

Astrologer MD Sharma is the best astrologer for childless problem solutions.
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